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Rafah Massaker


Israel's Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Draws Wide Condemnation

Massive Fire Extinguished, Dozens Killed in Airstrike

In a shocking attack that has sparked outrage worldwide, Israeli airstrikes have targeted a tent camp in the southern Gaza Strip, leaving at least 40 Palestinians dead, including several children. The attack ignited a massive fire, which Palestinian Civil Defence teams managed to control after approximately 45 minutes.

International Condemnation

Qatar has denounced the attack as "a grave violation of international law," while the United Nations and other international organizations have condemned the violence. The European Union has called for an "immediate and impartial investigation."

Witnesses in Rafah, including Bilal al-Sapti, a construction worker, described seeing charred bodies amidst the rubble in the camp's Tal as Sultan area. The tents were shelter to displaced civilians and their families.

The airstrike has been met with widespread anger and grief. On social media, images of the camp's destruction and the victims have sparked strong reactions, with many users condemning the attack and calling for accountability.

(This is a lead for an upcoming news article and not the complete story.)
